We are open to newborn to 8 year old boy/girl. Many of the foster parent's that I talk with recommend having a few outfits in each size encase you get a placement that doesn't have anything.
While I am thinking about it, did you know that some DHR workers refer to foster children as "trash bag kids"? Sounds awful, right? It get's worse. They aren't being mean, they are being literal. Most foster children end up on foster parent's door steps with a trash bag full of their stuff. Geeze. If someone came to your home and told you, you were leaving your family to go live with another family and you only had five minutes to put everything you can fit into a trash bag, what would you put? Makes you think.
Anyways, since our age range is so open and we don't have a specific gender, we had a lot of "stocking up" to do when it came to clothing. We have had more than enough support from family, friends, coworkers, and parents from the center I work at. We have so much clothes you'd think we owned a department store.
We MUST have at least 22 different girl bathing suits. Good thing our apartment complex has a swimming pool.
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